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House of the Dragon 3D Puzzle Iron Throne

House of the Dragon 3D Puzzle Iron Throne

Disponibilidade: Pré-reserva
Data prevista de chegada: 2024-10-31

House of the Dragon 3D Puzzle Iron Throne

3D puzzle of the Iron Throne from one of the most successful TV series - the Iron Throne is the iconic seat of power in the HBO series "House of the Dragon". It consists of the swords of those who have fallen while ascending it, and the one who sits on this throne rules all of Westeros and the seven over all of Westeros and the Seven Kingdoms. This 3D puzzle is a faithful replica of the throne. It is perfect for any fan of the Game of Thrones series.

Informação adicional
Fabricante Revell
Peso 450 gramas
Altura 0.00 cm

Envios grátis

Encomendas acima de 75 € para Portugal Continental

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