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Figura Obscura Actionfigur The Ghost of Jacob Marley Haunted Blue Edition
Figura Obscura Actionfigur The Ghost of Jacob Marley Haunted Blue EditionFigura Obscura Actionfigur The Ghost of Jacob Marley Haunted Blue EditionFigura Obscura Actionfigur The Ghost of Jacob Marley Haunted Blue EditionFigura Obscura Actionfigur The Ghost of Jacob Marley Haunted Blue EditionFigura Obscura Actionfigur The Ghost of Jacob Marley Haunted Blue EditionFigura Obscura Actionfigur The Ghost of Jacob Marley Haunted Blue Edition

Figura Obscura Actionfigur The Ghost of Jacob Marley Haunted Blue Edition

Disponibilidade: Pré-reserva
Data prevista de chegada: 2024-11-30

Figura Obscura Actionfigur The Ghost of Jacob Marley Haunted Blue Edition, produzida pela Four Horsemen.

The title page of Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol" reads "A Ghost Story of Christmas". While the tradition of telling "scary ghost stories" for the holidays did not originate with Mr. Dickens, his tale of holiday hauntings and redemption is certainly the most well-known Christmas ghost story. It is filled with characters that have become iconic symbols of the season, including the three Ghosts of Christmas, the sickly Tiny Tim and the Cratchitt family, and the miserly Ebenezer Scrooge who is redeemed through the lessons taught by the visit of those aforementioned three spirits. Yet, there is another spirit found in the pages of this story, one who is perhaps the most visually recognizable of all of Dickens' ghosts. We are of course referring to the man who, in life, was Scrooge's partner. The latest character to haunt the halls of Figura Obscura is none other than the Ghost of Jacob Marley.

Informação adicional
Fabricante Four Horsemen
Peso 500 gramas
Altura 0.00 cm

Envios grátis

Encomendas acima de 75 € para Portugal Continental

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